It’s Easter Egg Hunting Time!

It’s Easter and our ducks are on it! They are trying to show all the Easter bunnies that ducks are pretty good at hiding eggs too. Almost every day this week when I have gone to the duck house to gather eggs, I have noticed a few not in the usual clutch. Hmmm? So are they back to their tricks of hiding eggs in the bushes again? We don’t have a lot of bushes at the new farmhouse, well not established ones in their run yet. I figure I will just keep cleaning and refreshing their pool water, then as I begin to run new water out of the corner of my eye, I see an oval shape. There on the ground near the muck bucket is an egg! As I come closer, Posie Duck proudly moves the egg she laid towards me. She was so proud to show me her egg. Oh, but she is just the decoy, offering up her egg, so that I don’t see the others just a few feet away. One buried in mud near a mud puddle and the other almost under a bush. Ha, ha, ha! You silly ducks! Know I know where they are hiding eggs.

Speaking of Easter and Eggs, have you ever had deviled eggs made from duck eggs? Oh my goodness! They are the best way to make this yummy favorited Easter dish. Because duck eggs are naturally very creamy, they not only make the best scrambled eggs (sans the milk), but the fluffiest creamiest filling in the deviled egg. Try it!


Our Cayuga ducks are laying!