A proud moment

From Farmer Chris:

I want to recognize a neat little milestone that happened yesterday. My wife Kerilyn LaFournaise has been working on selling duck eggs for a year or so, and while she's sold a dozen here and there, yesterday was her first Go To Market day and I want to congratulate her on achieving it. She has been working on her egg packaging, branding, decorations, and pricing, and she also got her California egg handler's license and business permit. Yesterday she took her whole kit to a local bakery, set up her display, and I think she sold out (or nearly so) by the end of the day. The fact that selling all our eggs at our scale just about covers the cost of a bag of animal food makes me, the finance guy, actually pretty happy-- these were going to be pets, after all.

There were two moments yesterday that will stay with me. First, when Kerilyn was getting her decorations ready, she said, "Chris, can you get into my fake egg drawer and grab four for the decorations?" - yes we have a drawer of Fake Eggs. The second, and more important, was when she pulled up to the bakery not just as a drive-through customer today but into a parking spot, in her work flannels, hair pinned up, and her truck full of product. I told her, "This is it. You are bringing your product to market!" and there was a short pause while we noted the occasion, then got back to work.

Life is a team sport and I have to take a moment to thank Rachael Stewart for being a good friend to Kerilyn and overall EGG WHISPERER. Also huge thanks to Lisa Jensen and David Jensen the owners of the fabulous Sun Coast Organic Farm for their support and enormous generosity in providing us this opportunity and venue.

We have a phrase in this family, "Just make it happen." KK spends countless hours cleaning up after and caring for our birds. It's not always fun-- it's not usually fun, actually-- but for the six seconds we get to spend reflect on accomplishments, this is a neat one that's been coming for a long time. ❤️
-Written by Chris LaFournaise


The geese are laying!


Dandelion turned 5yrs old